IDCXSEC Interface Reference

Use this interface for secured DICOM network configuration and controlThe security context includes properties and methods to configure and control encrypted network comunication. To enable the security layer, create a security context instance and set it using DCXREQ or DCXACC SecurityContext property. See IDCXREQ.CertContext and IDCXACC.CertContext. More...

Inherits IDispatch.


DCXSEC_VERIFICATION_METHOD VerificationMethod [get, set]
BSTR CertSubjectName [get, set]
BSTR AcceptedThumbprints [get, set]
VARIANT_BOOL MutualAuthentication [get, set]
DCXSEC_CERT_STORE CertStore [get, set]
 Set/Get the cert store to use. See DCXSEC_CERT_STORE.
BSTR CertThumbprint [get, set]

Detailed Description

Use this interface for secured DICOM network configuration and control

The security context includes properties and methods to configure and control encrypted network comunication. To enable the security layer, create a security context instance and set it using DCXREQ or DCXACC SecurityContext property. See IDCXREQ.CertContext and IDCXACC.CertContext.

Networking Context

Property Documentation

◆ AcceptedThumbprints

BSTR IDCXSEC::AcceptedThumbprints

Set/Get thumbprint of acceptable peer certificates delimited by semicolon (;) This list is used to verify the identity of the peer when VerificationMethod is DCXSEC_VERIFICATION_METHOD_THUMBPRINT

◆ CertSubjectName

BSTR IDCXSEC::CertSubjectName

Set/Get the default certificate that is used to confirm our identity. Set to the certificate "Subject" property value. If not set, MODALIZER SDK will search the store for a ceritifcate with a subject name that matches the hostname of the computer (as set in the HOSTNAME variable). When SNI is used, MODALIZER SDK will look for a certificate with a subject name that matches the name asked by the peer. This certificate must have both Public and Private key. When changed, automatically updates CertThumbprint accordingly, and gets automaticaly updated when CertThumbprint is changed.

◆ CertThumbprint

BSTR IDCXSEC::CertThumbprint

Set/Get the cert thumbprint (aka signature) to use. When changed, automatically updates CertSubjectName accordingly, and gets automaticaly updated when CertSubjectName is changed. insert an empty string to clean security context from the certificate.

◆ MutualAuthentication

VARIANT_BOOL IDCXSEC::MutualAuthentication

Set/Get Mutual Authentication. \default Default is false (do not ask for client certificate) This property is relevant only for IDCXACC. When set to true the server will request from the client to provide a certificate. When set to false, the client may or may not provide a certificate and it will not be verified.

◆ VerificationMethod


Set/Get peer cerificate verification method. See DCXSEC_VERIFICATION_METHOD